Last updated February 8, 2019
Browse director profiles.
Each profile includes ratings of all films I have seen by
specific director since 2017. 
TOP 300
Last updated September 30, 2018
My own personal top list. Updated whenever I have time to spare. 200-101100-1

Viewing-Recommendation Categories-: 
Highly Recommended
 A perfect, or near-perfect film. More often than not, a masterpiece. A definite must-see. 
A very good film. Not a masterpiece, but a highly rewarding film experience. A definite must-see. 
Worth a Look
Possibly flawed, but still a good film, and well worth your time. You really should see this (this category could probably be re-named to Definitely-Worth-a-Look). 
Approach with Caution 
A flawed film that still offers the viewer something. I wouldn’t completely dismiss this film as it may contain an inspired moment or two, or a great performance or two. You probably should still see this. 
Not Recommended
A genuinely flawed film that offers little. I wouldn’t dissuade anyone from seeing this (or any film for that matter), but I – personally – wouldn’t recommend it. You will notice that their are very few films categorised within this category.